Three Must Have WordPress Security Plugins
There’s no one plugin which can give you 100% security. Nonetheless, they are a great starting point. Here are what I regard as the three “must-have” Wordpress Security Plugins…
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There’s no one plugin which can give you 100% security. Nonetheless, they are a great starting point. Here are what I regard as the three “must-have” Wordpress Security Plugins…
DetailsWhilst there are many factors which will drive your success, there are five in particular which will have a big impact on you achieving your goals: Success Mindset How many times have you heard of someone who is flat broke yet goes on to turn their life around and, in many cases, become a self made millionaire? Yes,…
DetailsDo you have an idea / concept for a business you want to pursue? The first step is to define exactly what you want to achieve and how you will make it happen. This is done through what is commonly referred to as a Vision Statement … and is often supported in formal Business Plans by what is called…
DetailsLike so many today, I wear different hats at different times of the day. One moment I am a consultant, the next a project manager, and at others a provider of services online. Now each of these areas is different and one could argue that I should keep them separate rather than combining them on…
DetailsWhether you are just starting out or have an established business, your business processes must be be your top priority. Let me explain… It’s a fact of life that the most successful people are not necessarily those with the highest profiles the best products, the best killer copy, or the biggest lists, – the very things which many marketing…
DetailsStop Hackers Cold! WordPress Users: You’re one of the Hackers’ favorite targets (after Microsoft Windows) With WP Simple Login Security, they’re dead meat! Your WordPress site is accessed through the same file as everybody else’s: And everyone knows it. That’s where hackers go when they want to mess with you. WP Simple Login Security…
DetailsWhen you take a close look at many of the “How To” eBooks and software programs on the market, you see two categories. – those which address a current “Trend” and those which have an “Evergreen” nature with virtually “perpetual” applicability and demand. Now you can generate terrific cash flow with a Trend-driven product. However,…
DetailsWant to develop a new website or a Blog but not sure whether WordPress is the right tool or that there is a suitable WordPress theme for your needs so that you don’t have to start from scratch? That’s exactly the position I found myself in when, a few months back, I decided it was…