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12 Weeks to Unlimited Charisma and Personal Magnetism
Format: 46 Minute Audio
Week 1 of this special audio training program. It will introduce you to the unique teaching and presentation style of Dr. Bruce Kaloski, an LA-based Life Coach who has been assisting individuals and companies for more than 40 years. Get it now >>
Bad Habits
Format: 10-part online Special Report / eCourse
This simple eCourse provides a summary of the bad habits that can have an adverse effect on your body, mental health, work, family, and friends.
It also addresses addction and the adverse effect it can have on you. Get it now >>
Ten Things You Should Be Doing In Your Business TODAY
Format: 12-part online Special Report / eCourse
This eCourse summarises key processes and functions which every small to medium business owner should be considering.
It provides a simple summary of key success factors you must build into your business. Get it now >>
Better Choices, Better Life
Format: 155 page eBook
Provides a walkthrough on the choices you need to make in order to live a better physical, mental, psychic and spiritual life. Get it now >>
7 Surprising Causes of Insomnia
Format: 22 page eBook
Explains the causes of a problem that many experience, one which can have a significant impact (often negatively) on your business and personal daily activities.
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