If you are an individual or company interested in helping others or want to build additional or secondary income streams, then we invite you to partner with us through one of the following…
Affiliate Program
FREE to join
- In operation since 2005
- Transferable tracking cookies – a single referral is all that is needed
- Commission: 40% on all products
- Easy to get active whether you are a newbie or an experienced Affiliate Marketer
Joint Venture Partner
If you have a significant list or industry presence, we are open to Joint Ventures. Options include…
- Volume discounts – based on pre-purchase
- Super Affiliate status – i.e. higher commission level than stated above
- Offline marketing options
If you are interested, please send us a brief overview of your thoughts (include contact details)…
- Joint Ventures are something we negotiate for others but to date have not implemented / sought any for this site.
- We have no pre-conceived ideas on Joint Ventures. As a result, the above should be viewed as a guide only, subject to discussion.
- If you have an interest in a Joint Venture, please outline your thoughts / requirements through the above so we have a starting point for discussion.