
In order to protect our partners, customers and members, Wealth Traders maintains a ZERO tolerance policy towards the sending of spam email.

We are a service provider and therefore only email past and present subscribers and our clients when we have something of relevance which we feel may benefit you.

When we do email, we provide an opt-out link on all emails … and always explain the reason why we are sending the email.

Affiliate Promotions

Many of the emails you receive which relate to Wealth Traders may come from our Affiliates.

Our Affiliates understand and have acknowledged that:

  1. It is ILLEGAL to forge headers on emails.
  2. It is ILLEGAL to neglect to include a valid – and functional – UNSUBSCRIBE link along with a valid email address in any emails sent out.
  3. They cannot represent themselves as Wealth Traders, that the only link to our site is via the links provided within their Affiliate Management Panel. [Our standard Affiliate links include our domain name.]
  4. Remove all complaints from their database. If Wealth Traders receives a complaint which has been ignored or inadequately addressed by an Affiliate, we reserve the right to permanently withdraw Affiliate status.

Affiliates who ignore the above risk cancellation of their Affiliate account and forfeiture of all monies due and contacts in that account.

Cancellation may under some circumstances be immediate and permanent!

Wealth Traders reserves the right to take legal action against any Affiliate not complying with the above spam policy.

Direct Mail Promotions

It has been a long time since we used direct mail to promote our business. Should you encounter any such promotions which mention our name, please contact us so that we can address this with whoever the party may be.