Whether you are just starting out or have an established business, your business processes must be be your top priority. Let me explain…
It’s a fact of life that the most successful people are not necessarily those with the highest profiles the best products, the best killer copy, or the biggest lists, – the very things which many marketing program / scheme promoters keep saying you need in order to succeed.
Yes, great copy, your list, your industry profile and your products are all very important. But none is going to drive your success “on its own”.
That’s because there is a holistic nature to doing business and so you MUST bring all of these components – plus many more – together in a synergistic way.
It’s what is commonly referred to as your Business Process … with marketing being an integral part of that.
Successful people know this. They are not one-product wonders. They have a passion for what they do and have taken the time to develop “real businesses” which people relate to, enjoy dealing with and are happy to tell others about. Through an effectively executed Process, they have built their “brand” to the point where they are able to produce repeatable returns year-after-year.
There are NO short cuts when it comes to building sustainable cash flow and profits!Most successful companies and entrepreneurs start out by finding a simple formula which works for them, and then add to it in a staged manner, progressively improving what they have already found works. It’s a stepped process, with each step taking their business to a new level.
It’s like baking a cake. You have certain ingredients which you must use – and you must get the mix right. Once you get your recipe right, then you can repeat it over and over again, sell in droves and explode your profits …
The smart marketers who are making a killing offline and / or online know this. They all have a PROCESS in their business whereby everything is performed in a very systematic way.
Even those who come across as having a “shoot from the hip” approach are quite systematic as well. In fact, some of the coolest characters around are amongst the most systematic!
They also do not necessarily comply with the traditional “mass marketing” mindset that you must build a big list or generate massive amounts of traffic in order to succeed.
Your Process is YOUR #1 Key to Success
Your Process is the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT MARKETING INVESTMENT you will ever make and should be your #1 priority … and you should not let anyone fool you into thinking otherwise!
Great company’s have been built and continue to prosper BECAUSE they have a great Process, NOT because someone gave them a quick solution to a problem.
I have seen many companies come and go over the years, some who made a lot of noise when initially starting out, only to be out of business within 12 months.
The classic example here was the Dot Com era when there were companies everywhere attracting huge amounts of venture capital. How many, however, actually survived? The reason – in most cases, they did not have a Process for taking what was often great concepts to the next level.
One that did survive and prosper was Amazon, because they had a great concept … and a PROCESS which enabled them to progressively bring their concept to its full potential.
And it’s not just online businesses that this applies to. I have seen scores of offline direct marketers and traditional businesses come and go as well. And in almost every case, the core problem was an inadequate Process – whether it was bad market research, inadequate systems, weak marketing execution, poor customer service, etc or a combination of these.
Harsh statistics – like the 98% failure rate in network marketing, 96% failure rate in affiliate marketing, and only 1 in 20 new businesses surviving beyond 3 years – reinforce how important getting your Process right is.
Without a Process which works for you, you simply are not going to get there … in fact, you could quite easily end up becoming another statistic as well.
Where should you start?
There are a few things you must avoid so you don’t become a victim. Most relate to adopting a mass marketing approach or getting involved in schemes which are not uniquely yours.
For example, it’s important that you don’t get caught up in all the hoopla about volume. Successful direct marketers throughout the years have found that it’s not about numbers … but “how the numbers work for YOU” … and that still applies today!
To take advantage of this, you MUST have a PROCESS – one which helps you generate and work “the numbers” in your favor!
We see this all the time within our affiliate marketing operations at Wealth Traders. We have some affiliates who drive a lot of traffic our way – sometimes as many as 40,000 visitors in a month – yet only generate a handful of sales from that volume.
We also have Affiliates who, on the same copy and offer, can send us as few as 100 referrals in a month and produce 7-10 sales. In fact, on one $100+ offer, we had one affiliate who for more than 2 years sent around 100 referrals / month our way and consistently achieved between 25%-35% conversion.
This is what I mean about “how the numbers work for you” – it’s the position you want to get yourself to!
The key is to create your own distinctive presence within your sector / industry, one which is different to your competitors (and the leaders) and one where YOU are the person that people trust and want to deal with!
Once you have done that, then you are going to see positive results – in the sale of your own products / services plus in additional areas (e.g. affiliate marketing) you decide to pursue.
If you’re already in business and not achieving your expected returns, then go back and look very closely at your Business Process as there is most likely something you’re doing – or not doing – which is holding you back!
If you’re getting started in a business, then your Process is where you need to start!
You can purchase multiple training programs, many of which cover some of the areas which you need to look at … or you can call in an external consultant to guide you through everything you need to address in your business. There are also many consultants and businesses out there who can help you get on the right track (for a fee). They have served many very well and may be suitable for you.

Check it out…