A selection of articles focused on essentials for any business
Being your own boss is often not a bed of roses. There are many things you need to consider … and many things which can bring you unstuck. These 12 common pitfalls can have a big impact on your business, sapping your savings or earnings, your time, your energy, your credibility, and your motivation…
Financing for retail and service businesses, via Business Cash Advances, combine both – the business’s ability to generate a constant or growing revenue stream and its future cash events. Business cash advances are not true business loans but cash advances based on the future credit or debit card receipts of a business.
When a business does not have the money on hand to fulfill a purchase order, it can either delay the start of the job and hopefully not anger the customer or it has to decline the business – potentially damaging its reputation in the industry as well as giving up that job’s profit potential. Purchase order financing provides a solution…
While traditional business loans still remain hard to come by, there are other financing options, like accounts receivable factoring, that can help your business grow and improve; all without the hassle of talking to your bank or tapping your personal savings…
The one sure thing about business is that you cannot afford to operate as an island, that no matter how big or small your business may be, it can benefit through partnerships with others within your industry or sectors you want to enter.Picking the right partners, individuals or companies who will deliver what they say or is agreed, is actually a challenge…
Partnering has long been recognized as a key process for consolidating current operations, driving growth, or creating new directions for your business. It works – and often it’s the most effective way to capitalize on your strengths quickly. It’s all about creating win-win relationships based on mutual trust and teamwork…
Considering pursuing a Network Marketing (MLM) opportunity or getting into the booming Affiliate marketing sector? This simple comparison will give you some guidance on which one is best for you…
You’ve got a great product / service – state-of-the-art warehouse and distribution facilities – great promotional tools – and a motivated team.
So you’re on a winner right? The answer is yes, BUT only if you also have one other vital component right as well – GREAT Customer Service…