Joe McAleer is a seasoned marketing and communications professional having worked in executive roles with Bank of America, Encore Marketing International and was a Founder and President of Storm Communications. He is also a co-author of
The Real World Marketer, a business coaching program aimed at small business owners, entrepreneurs and online marketers.
Whether you are just starting out or have an established business, your business processes must be be your top priority. Let me explain… It’s a fact of life that the most successful people are not necessarily those with the highest profiles the best products, the best killer copy, or the biggest lists, – the very things which many marketing…
The value of testimonials from satisfied customers, probably the most credible and effective type of testimonial because nothing beats a testimonial from a satisfied customer. I would now like to focus on another very powerful form of testimonials: celebrity endorsements.
By providing proof, positive feedback from buyers that your products or services are quality and worthy of purchasing, testimonials help other consumers decide to buy if in doubt at all about you and the items you are selling.
You’ve got a great product / service – state-of-the-art warehouse and distribution facilities – great promotional tools – and a motivated team.
So you’re on a winner right? The answer is yes, BUT only if you also have one other vital component right as well – GREAT Customer Service…
One of the most critical functions when conducting business is that you protect your interests when entering transactions with other parties, including staff, customers, suppliers and partners. It’s an area which often is inadequately addressed by small business people…